Trieste Film Festival
35th Edition

Accreditation to the festival allows access to screenings for the entire duration of the event and in all three festival locations.
€60 Regular (on promotion at €40 until Christmas)
€55 Regular Institutions (on promotion at €35 until Christmas)
€120 Supporters
We have also provided a special €10 Under30 credit dedicated to all young people up to 30 years old.
NB: access to the room is permitted to minors under 18 years of age if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The cost of the ticket for each single screening is €6.
Trieste Film Festival tickets can only be purchased during the festival and at the ticket offices of Politeama Rossetti, Cinema Ambasciatori and Teatro Miela. The seats in the room are not numbered.
Festival screenings begin on Friday 19 January and will continue until and including 27 January 2024.
Screenings are held at:
Miela Theater (Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3) 19 – 24 January
Politeama Rossetti (Largo Gaber 1) 23 – 27 January
Ambasci atori Cinema ( Viale XX Settembre 35) 24 – 27 January
The films are presented in the original language with subtitles in Italian and English.